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Our clients choose us to develop their audience, increase engagement, generate and nurture quality leads, and drive sales effectively.

B2B challenges

B2B buying journey through communication,  marketing & sales.

In B2B, trying to convert or sell too quickly is the best way to lose a lead. An approach that supports each stage of the buying journey ensures a more lasting and fruitful relationship. It's about generating more trust, value, and preference before looking to sell.

Communication & Content

Become (and remain) visible and shine in your markets

Do you want to boost your communication to target the right audiences, make them grow, and increase their engagement? We make sure to take the right actions to bring you visibility, credibility and trust; thus ensuring your leadership in your markets.

  • Content and communication strategy
  • Communication campaign
  • Social networks
  • Channel management
  • Audiovisual production
  • Content creation/design
  • Communication media
  • Search, emailing, web
  • Employer brand
  • Creative actions

Lead Generation & Management

Capture the interest and demands from prospects in your markets to nurture relationships

Generating leads, managing them and converting them is not always easy.

To achieve this, we work alongside you to develop and execute a lead generation strategy, by combining campaigns, channels and adapted content; for each stage of your target's buying journey.

  • Setting up a campaign
  • Data capture
  • Digital channels (search, social networks)
  • Partnership, co-campaign
  • Inbound marketing
  • Landing page
  • Lead capture strategy
  • Conversion optimization

Sales Activation

Boost and support your sales team with marketing so that they perform at their best

How do you turn marketing into a true sales team partner?

It's critical for your sales team to move hand in hand with marketing. First of all to optimize your sales force, but also to maintain your customer relationships.

To achieve this, we establish the processes and tools adapted to your business to create and maintain this synergy between the field experience of the sales teams and the company's marketing actions.

  • Sales support and materials
  • Sales team training
  • Marketing and sales alignment
  • Installations and event stands
  • Sales pitch
  • CRM
  • Account-based marketing

Un projet, une demande ? Démarrez la conversation.

Contactez-nous pour faire connaissance, clarifier vos besoins et enjeux, et définissons ensemble si nous sommes le bon partenaire.

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A multidisciplinary team  to tackle your challenges