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The B2Bible

The B2B Marketing and Sales Playbook: Learn from 100+ Swiss Experts

La B2Bible verra le jour en septembre 2024.

The first comprehensive guide to understanding B2B marketing in Switzerland. Strategies, tools, testimonials, practical cases... Everything you need to tackle B2B challenges.

The B2Bible will be released in September 2024.

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The first comprehensive guide to B2B marketing in Switzerland

With its unique network of SMEs and innovative companies, Switzerland is a highly B2B-oriented country. But how can you ensure sustainability and growth in this unique landscape? How do you stand out, build trust, close deals, and navigate digital challenges?

Insights from the field backed by experts

Because no one knows B2B better than the industry players, we interviewed and collaborated with over 100 business leaders and B2B specialists. We discussed their visions, advice, and hands-on experiences.

Our goal is clear: to address the rapid evolution of marketing and the specifics of B2B. We believe it's crucial that communication, marketing, sales, and company management align seamlessly.

That’s why our guide aims to establish a common strategic language—both intuitive and effective—to achieve peak synergy within the company.

The B2Bible is for everyone—executives, marketing and sales managers, marketing specialists, HR, engineers, and project managers. Because ultimately everyone is involved in sales; directly or indirectly.

You love straightforward methods? So do we

The book’s insights are articulated using a light, accessible, and flexible methodology.  Our framework is divided into five blocks, each concentrating on a core aspect of B2B.

Discover key concepts, illustrative case studies, checklists, and practical advice on each of these aspects.

Communication & Content
Become (and remain) visible and shine in your markets
Lead Generation & Management
Capture the interest and demands from prospects in your markets to nurture relationships
Sales Activation
Boost and support your sales team with marketing so that they perform at their best

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To B2B or not to be ?

The specifics of business-to-business

Beyond a mere letter, the distinction between B2C and B2B is profound:

In the realm of marketing, B2B ventures into a vastly different landscape, where strategies and stakes diverge significantly from generalist approaches.
Complicating matters further, the relentless evolution of digital technology reshapes this terrain with each passing moment.


Unlike B2C marketing, which focuses on individual consumer needs and desires, B2B tackles the needs, challenges, and decision-making processes of businesses; a multi-stakeholder ecosystem .

Personalized approach

B2B marketing requires a more direct and personal approach. Long-term relationships and partnerships, although essentials, can sometimes be fragile.

Longer sales cycles

In B2B, purchasing processes are more complex, and stakes (volumes, budgets, deadlines) are higher. Therefore, it takes much more time to close a deal. Decisions are often made after many exchanges involving several stakeholders.

What about Switzerland?

In our country, even more than elsewhere, B2B specialists prioritize close relationships, impeccable service and product quality, and a high openness to technological innovations.

Did you know?

Only 5% of prospects are looking to buy

According to a study by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, only 1 in 20 B2B prospects is actively looking to make a purchase. In short, companies seeking to generate a sale today are competing for the attention of just 5% of their market.

Capturing the attention of the 95%

To ensure long-term growth and profitability, it is essential to reach prospects who are not ready to buy today but will become potential buyers tomorrow. Hence the importance of investing in your brand and communication to build trust even before the purchase intention arises.

How ?
This is one of the many questions we'll provide answers to in the B2Bible.

Don't miss the release in September 2024

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